How to Use Watering Globes

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Embarking on a journey to simplify plant care? Watering globes might just be your new best friend.

These elegant, practical tools not only enhance the beauty of your indoor and outdoor greens but also ensure they receive the optimal amount of water.

Here we'll dive into the world of plant watering globes, exploring how they work and how to choose and use them effectively.

Whether you're a busy plant parent or simply seeking an efficient way to keep your green companions thriving, watering globes offer a blend of convenience, style, and plant health benefits.

Let's unlock the secrets of effortless and effective plant watering.

For more watering tips, check out my guide Water Butts: Sustainable Water Storage for Your Garden.


What Are Watering Globes?

Watering globes, often referred to as watering bulbs or water globes, are a popular and stylish solution for keeping your plants properly hydrated.

These self-watering devices are not only functional but also add an aesthetic touch to your garden or indoor plant display.

Let's dive into what makes them so unique and beneficial:

Design and Material

  • Material: Most watering globes are made from glass, though some can be found in plastic or ceramic.

    The glass versions are particularly popular due to their decorative appeal, often featuring colorful designs and patterns.

    Here is my favorite glass watering globe.

  • Shape and Size: These globes typically have a bulbous body with a long, narrow neck or stem.

    They come in various sizes to accommodate different plant types and pot sizes, from small globes for your indoor succulents to larger ones for outdoor garden plants.


  • Self-Watering Mechanism: The principle behind watering globes is simple yet effective.

    Once filled with water and inserted into the soil, they gradually release water directly to the plant's roots.

    This process is driven by the soil's natural absorption and the air pressure within the globe.

  • Consistent Moisture Delivery: By providing a steady supply of water, these globes help maintain an even level of soil moisture, which is crucial for many plants.

    This is especially beneficial for busy plant owners or during periods when regular watering isn't possible.


  • Ease of Use: Watering globes are incredibly user-friendly.

    Fill them up, insert them into the soil, and let them do their job.

    They're a perfect solution for those who want to ensure their plants are watered but might not have the time to do it daily.

  • Decorative Appeal: Beyond their practicality, watering globes serve as beautiful decor pieces.

    Their varied designs and colors can complement the natural beauty of your plants, adding an artistic touch to your plant care routine.

  • Ideal for Various Plant Types: While not suitable for every plant, watering globes are versatile enough to cater to a range of plants, particularly those that prefer consistent moisture levels.


  • Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution: It's important to recognize that watering globes aren't universal solutions for all plant types.

    Some plants require drier soil conditions and might not thrive with the consistent moisture that globes provide.

  • Monitoring is Key: Despite the convenience of watering globes, plant owners should still monitor their plants regularly.

    Checking the soil moisture and globe water level helps ensure that your plants are not being over or under-watered.

In summary, watering globes are an innovative, decorative, and practical tool for plant care.

They offer a convenient way to ensure your plants receive a steady supply of water, making them an excellent choice for gardeners who seek both functionality and style in their plant care tools.

For more watering tips, check out my guide Water Butts: Sustainable Water Storage for Your Garden.

Choosing the Right Watering Globe

Selecting the perfect watering globe for your plants is not just about aesthetics, it's about understanding the specific needs of your plants and the conditions they thrive in.

Here's a guide to help you choose the right watering globe:

Indoor vs. Outdoor Use

Indoor Plants:

  • Size Matters: For smaller houseplants, choose compact watering globes.

    They release water at a slower rate, which is ideal for smaller pots where space and soil volume are limited.

  • Design Considerations: Indoor plants often double as decor, so select globes that complement your home's interior.

    Look for colors and styles that match your aesthetic.

  • Here are the watering globes I recommend for indoor plants:

Outdoor Plants:

  • Larger Capacity: Outdoor plants generally require more water, especially during warmer months.

    Opt for larger globes that can hold more water and extend the duration between refills.

  • Durability: Outdoor conditions can be harsher, so consider sturdier globes that can withstand elements like strong sunlight, wind, or rain.

  • Here is the watering globe I recommend for outdoor plants:

Plant Types and Watering Needs

Water-Loving Plants:

  • Plants that thrive in moist soil, like ferns or certain tropical plants, benefit from watering globes. The steady moisture supply supports their growth.

  • Tip: For these plants, choose a globe with a larger water reservoir to maintain consistent soil moisture.

  • Here is the watering globe I recommend for water-loving plants:

Drought-Tolerant Plants:

  • Cacti or succulents require less frequent watering. For these, either opt for a very small globe or skip using a globe altogether to avoid overwatering.

  • Here is the watering globe I recommend for drought-tolerant plants:

Pot Size

  • Larger pots will generally require larger or multiple globes to ensure the water is distributed evenly throughout the soil.

  • Here is the watering globe I recommend for larger pots:

Material and Quality

Glass vs. Plastic vs. Ceramic:

  • Glass globes are popular for their aesthetic appeal but can be fragile. Plastic and ceramic options offer durability and sometimes come in more varied designs.

  • Here is the glass watering globe I recommend:

Environmental Considerations

Sunlight Exposure:

  • If the globe is to be placed in direct sunlight like a south-facing garden location, consider a tinted or darker-colored globe to reduce algae growth inside the globe.

  • Here are the darker-colored globes I recommend in direct sunlight locations:

Temperature Fluctuations:

  • For areas with significant temperature changes, choose a material that can withstand expansion and contraction without cracking.

Aesthetic Value

Complement Your Plants:

  • Choose globes that not only serve their purpose but also enhance the beauty of your plants.

    A well-chosen globe can act as a focal point or subtly blend in with the foliage.

  • I love the look of these watering globes:

How to Use Watering Globes

Using watering globes effectively is key to ensuring your plants receive the right amount of water without the risk of over or under-watering.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use these handy tools:

Step 1: Filling the Globe

  • Water Preparation: Use clean water, ideally at room temperature, to fill your globe.

    Cold water can shock some plants, especially tropical varieties.

  • Filling Technique: Carefully fill the globe to avoid air bubbles, which can affect the water flow.

    If your globe has a narrow opening, a funnel or a small watering can with a spout can make this easier.

Step 2: Preparing the Soil

  • Soil Moisture: Before inserting the globe, ensure the soil is already moist.

    Inserting a globe into dry soil can cause the water to be absorbed too quickly, emptying the globe prematurely.

  • Loosening the Soil: Gently loosen the soil around the area where you plan to insert the globe.

    This helps to prevent the stem from breaking and ensures better water distribution.

Step 3: Inserting the Globe

  • Proper Insertion: Tilt the globe slightly and insert the stem into the soil at an angle, making sure not to force it.

    The globe should be stable and upright to prevent it from falling over.

  • Depth and Position: The stem should be deep enough to reach the root zone but not so deep that it reaches the bottom of the pot.

    Aim for a depth that allows the globe to release water effectively without being too intrusive.

Step 4: Monitoring and Maintenance

  • Regular Checks: Keep an eye on the water level in the globe and the moisture level of the soil.

    This will help you gauge how often the globe needs to be refilled.

  • Refilling the Globe: When the globe is empty, remove it, refill it, and reinsert it.

    Be mindful not to leave the soil without water for too long.

Step 5: Cleaning the Globe

  • Routine Cleaning: Regularly clean your watering globe to prevent algae growth and clogging, especially if it's used outdoors or in direct sunlight.

  • Cleaning Method: Use a mild soap solution and a bottle brush or pipe cleaner to clean the inside of the globe, especially the stem.

Additional Tips

  • Avoid Overcrowding: Don't place the globe too close to the plant stem or roots to prevent root rot and other issues.

  • Adapting to Plant Needs: Observe how your plants respond to the globe and adjust placement or frequency as needed.

    Some plants may require more or less water than others.

  • Seasonal Adjustments: Be mindful of the changing seasons.

    Plants typically need less water in cooler months, so adjust the use of your watering globe accordingly.

By following these steps and tips, you can make the most out of your watering globes, ensuring that your plants stay hydrated and healthy with minimal effort.

Remember, every plant is unique, so it may take some time to find the perfect balance for your specific green friends.


Looking for more watering tips? Check out my guide Water Butts: Sustainable Water Storage for Your Garden

Maintenance and Care for Watering Globes

To ensure your watering globes function effectively and last longer, proper maintenance and care are crucial.

Here's a detailed guide on how to maintain your watering globes:

Regular Cleaning

  • Importance: Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of algae, mineral deposits, and blockages, especially in the narrow stem of the globe.

  • Cleaning Process:

    • Rinse the globe with warm water to remove any residual dirt.

    • For a deeper clean, use a mild detergent or vinegar solution. A bottle brush or pipe cleaner can be handy for reaching inside the stem.

    • Rinse thoroughly to ensure no soap residue remains, as this can harm your plants.

Checking for Clogs

  • Inspection: Periodically inspect the stem of the globe for clogs or obstructions, which can impede water flow.

  • Unclogging: Use a thin wire, needle, or pipe cleaner to gently remove any debris from the stem. Be careful not to damage the opening.

Monitoring Soil Conditions

  • Soil Moisture: Regularly check the soil's moisture level around the globe.

    This helps in determining if the globe is releasing too much or too little water.

  • Adjustment: Based on your observations, adjust the position or frequency of refilling the globe to suit your plant’s needs.

Globe Placement

  • Stability: Ensure that the globe is securely placed in the soil to prevent it from tipping over or falling out.

  • Location: Avoid placing the globe too close to the plant's main stem to reduce the risk of root rot.

Seasonal Considerations

  • Winter Care: If you live in a region with freezing temperatures, consider removing glass watering globes from outdoor plants to prevent them from cracking.

  • Adjusting for Seasons: Be mindful of the changing water needs of your plants with the seasons. Plants typically require less water during the cooler months.

Handling and Storage

  • Gentle Handling: Glass watering globes are delicate. Handle them with care to avoid breakage.

  • Proper Storage: When not in use, store your globes in a safe place where they won't get knocked over or exposed to extreme temperatures.

Checking for Wear and Tear

  • Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect your globes for any signs of wear, like cracks or chips, particularly with glass globes.

  • Replacement: If a globe is damaged, it's best to replace it to avoid injury or damage to your plants.

Addressing Algae Growth

  • Prevention: Algae growth is more common in globes exposed to a lot of light. To prevent this, place globes in a less brightly lit area if possible.

  • Treatment: If algae start to form, clean the globe thoroughly with a vinegar solution, which is effective in removing algae without being harmful to your plants.

Water Quality Considerations

  • Type of Water: Use clean, fresh water in your globes.

    Tap water is usually fine, but if you have hard water, consider using filtered or distilled water to reduce mineral buildup.

  • Changing Water: Refresh the water in your globes regularly to maintain its quality, especially if you notice discoloration or sediment.


Tips for Effective Use

Visibility: Place the globe where you can easily see it to monitor the water level.

Avoid Direct Sunlight: Prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to algae growth inside the globe.

Regular Checks: Even with a watering globe, it's important to regularly check your plants for any signs of over or under-watering.

In the world of plant care, plant watering globes stand out as both a practical and aesthetically pleasing solution.

They brilliantly address the common dilemma of keeping plants watered, especially for those of us with busy schedules or a tendency to forget the watering can.

These globes ensure that our beloved green companions receive a steady supply of moisture, reducing the stress over soil drying out too quickly or plants being neglected.

The beauty of using watering globes lies in their simplicity and effectiveness.

As the soil dries, the globe naturally releases water, maintaining an optimal moisture balance that's crucial for plant health.

This not only promotes better growth but also provides peace of mind, knowing that our plants are well-cared for even in our absence.

Whether you opt for store-bought globes, decide to craft DIY versions, or just want to add a touch of elegance to your gardening routine, plant watering globes are a fantastic tool.

They ensure our plants are watered adequately, and the soil retains just the right amount of moisture, making them an indispensable asset for any gardener.

So, embrace the ease and beauty of watering globes, and enjoy the thriving, vibrant plants that result from this simple yet effective method of plant care.



How do self-watering globes work?

Watering globes work by releasing water slowly into the soil as it dries, maintaining a consistent level of moisture.

Are watering globes suitable for all plants?

Not all plants are ideal for watering globes.

Plants that prefer dry conditions might not benefit from the constant moisture.

How many watering globes should I use per plant?

This depends on the size of the plant and the globe.

Typically, one globe is sufficient, but larger plants may require more.

Can I use watering globes for outdoor plants?

Yes, watering globes can be used for outdoor plants, especially during hot, dry periods.

How often should I refill my watering globe?

Refill the globe when it's empty.

The frequency will depend on the plant's needs and environmental conditions.

Do watering globes help with plant care while I'm away?

Yes, they can be a great help in maintaining your plants' water needs while you're away for short periods.